Wed­ding pho­to­gra­phy is one of my pas­si­ons becau­se it is an honor for me to free­ze emo­ti­ons of such days in my came­ras. My ambi­ti­on is to crea­te pic­tures that will make the cou­ple and their guests look back on this won­derful day fore­ver. For the cou­ple shoo­ting and the group shots, I am being very pre­sent and the obvious wed­ding pho­to­grapher — other­wi­se I pre­fer to cap­tu­re the most natu­ral and authen­tic moments unno­ti­ced. The smi­le of the peo­p­le when they actual­ly feel unob­ser­ved is sim­ply the most beau­tiful and truthful.

… Wed­ding Pho­to­grapher in Sax­o­ny, Thu­rin­gia, Saxony-Anhalt …
